Psí hospic Dejte nám šanci
Finančním darem 10.000,- Kč jsme podpořili Psí hospic Dejte nám šanci, který poskytuje přechodný či trvalý domov psům starým, týraným, nemocným, handicapovaným, opuštěným či vyhozeným z množíren. Pejsci nežijí v kotcích, ale přímo v domě v Bukovince se zakladateli hospicu Eliškou a Martinem a v domě v Brně s Eliščinou maminkou. Psí hospic Dejte nám šanci se snaží 24hodinovou péčí uzdravit rány na těle i na duši způsobené lidmi a napravit tak to, co jiní pokazili.
20 zakoupených různých náramků 4ocean v hodnotě 20.00 USD za ks jsme rozdaly zákazníkům zdarma k jejich objednávkám. Za každý zakoupený náramek se 4ocean zavazují vytáhnout z moře libru (asi půl kg) plastového odpadu. Tento nápad a náramek způsobil vznik celosvětové náramkové mánie, díky které bylo dodnes z moře vytaženo už přes 4 554 000 liber plastového odpadu. Navíc, každý měsíc je vytvořen náramek určité barvy, je tedy limitovanou edicí, a zisk z prodeje putuje nadacím věnujícím se ochraně mořských živočichů a savců, mořského ptactva, korálových útesů nebo k zachování mangrovníkových porostů.
Do práce na kole
Od roku 2018 pravidelně podporujeme město Třebíč v celorepublikové kampani Do práce na kole. Cílem kampaně je motivovat co nejvíce lidí, aby jako dopravní prostředek po městě používali jízdní kolo nebo jakoukoli bezmotorovou formu dopravy včetně běhu a chůze. Do této kampaně věnujeme kosmetické produkty 100% PURE® a Dárkové poukazy.
Leaping Bunny
The Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics (CCIC) Leaping Bunny Program administers a cruelty-free standard and the internationally recognized Leaping Bunny Logo for companies producing cosmetics or household products.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is the largest animal rights organization in the world, with more than 3 million members and supporters.
Wags and Walks
Wags and Walks was founded by Lesley Brog because she knew she could do more for animals. Her goal is to educate people about the types of dogs in the shelters and find those animals suitable, loving, fosters and adopters.
Keep A Child Alive
Keep a Child Alive believes that every person has the right to health care and that all children deserve a future. We support innovative, community-led responses that increase access to life-saving HIV treatment and care, nutritious food, and loving support for children and families living with and affected by HIV in Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda, and India.
The Mutt Masquerade
From Tails to Trunks, we raise money and awareness for animals in need. 100 % of the proceeds help Cats in The Cradle Rescue, Stewie to the Rescue, and BLES Elephant, Dog and Cat Sanctuary.
Harvest Home Animal Sanctuary
Our mission is to provide life-long care for rescued and/or mistreated animals, and hopefully find appropriate homes for them. We rehabilitate, both physically and mentally mistreated animals, and we educate the public about humane animal care and practices to prevent further cruelty to animals.
American Red Cross
The American Red Cross exists to provide compassionate care to those in need. Our network of generous donors, volunteers and employees share a mission of preventing and relieving suffering, here at home and around the world.
Change of Heart Pitbull Rescue
Our rescue is dedicated to saving the lives of unwanted and abused pit bull breeds. We remain focused in aiding dogs that have been in shelters the longest, may not be easily adopted out, or are suffering from illness or injury. We work one-on-one with every dog in our program, ensuring they leave our rescue as advocates for their breed.
Breast Cancer Emergency Fund
Breast Cancer Emergency Fund responds quickly and compassionately to provide emergency financial assistance to low-income women and men of San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara Counties who are in active treatment for breast cancer, in order to cover basic human needs, lessen financial burdens, and improve quality of life.
Opperation Cuppa Joe
Our mission is to teach, train and develop students community service in schools, collect, donate and distribute care packages to our troops worldwide, and support wounded warriors and their families.
Furry Friends Rescue
Furry Friends Rescue is an all-volunteer non-profit Bay Area companion animal rescue organization, comprised entirely of experienced volunteers who collectively have rescued hundreds of companion animals and placed them in loving homes.
Humane Society Silicon Valley
Humane Society Silicon Valley is an independent, non-profit animal shelter that has been serving people and pets for 80 years.
Farm Sanctuary
Farm Sanctuary works to protect farm animals from cruelty, inspire change in the way society views and treats farm animals, and promote compassionate vegan living.
49ers Academy
49ers Academy was started in 1998 with the goal of keeping kids safe, on track and in school.
Humane Society Of The United States
The Humane Society of the United States is the nation’s largest and most effective animal protection organization—backed by 11 million Americans.
Kitten Rescue
KItten Rescue is a non-profit, totally volunteer run organization devoted to finding loving new homes for unwanted cats and kittens. Kitten Rescue volunteers place approximately 1,000 cats and kittens into new homes every year.